Life Stories
Wise-Dome Fellow Life Travellers - Jeff, Josh and Joe have been thrown into this unkind world not by choice; hence we have an understanding of the many experiences of our fellow travellers in this life journey.
We found each other through pure serendipity, have been blessed with many undeserved blessings through our life journeys, and wish to share with our fellow life travellers some of the wisdom we have been able to gather in our journeys so far.
Life Stories will evolve over time to include our reflections and some "Life Hacks" that we have been blessed with, so others can benefit from our experiences.
Experience is usually paid for by one's life, which is often very costly! If only someone who has gone through an experience could share with a fellow traveller, then that fellow traveller does not have to pay the "hefty price" for a "life hack"!
We hope to bring some joy to the world, and in turn allow us to have meaningful life journeys ourselves!
We found each other through pure serendipity, have been blessed with many undeserved blessings through our life journeys, and wish to share with our fellow life travellers some of the wisdom we have been able to gather in our journeys so far.
Life Stories will evolve over time to include our reflections and some "Life Hacks" that we have been blessed with, so others can benefit from our experiences.
Experience is usually paid for by one's life, which is often very costly! If only someone who has gone through an experience could share with a fellow traveller, then that fellow traveller does not have to pay the "hefty price" for a "life hack"!
We hope to bring some joy to the world, and in turn allow us to have meaningful life journeys ourselves!